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June 13-17.

St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

Proceedings of the 33rd Scientific Meeting of the
Memorias de la 33va Reunión Científica de la


Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean
Asociación de Laboratorios Marinos del Caribe

Download the complete program and abstract book


ALMC Comité organizador / AMLC Organizing Committee.
Agradecimiento Especial – Patrocinadores / Acknowledgment – Sponsors
Bienvenida / Welcome
PROGRAM for the 32nd Scientific Meeting of the Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean
POSTERS for the 32nd Scientific Meeting of the Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean

Lucy Bunkley-Williams & Ernest H. Williams, Jr.
New records of parasites for culture Cobia, Rachycentron canadum (Perciformes: rachycentridae) in  Puerto Rico

V.H. Garrison, W.T. Foreman, S. Genualdi, D.W. Griffin, C.A. Kellogg, M.S. Majewski, A. Mohammed, A. Ramsubhag, E.A. Shinn, S.L. Simonich & G.W. Smith
Saharan dust a carrier of persistent organic pollutants, metals and microbes to the Caribbean?

Judith C. Lang & Robert N. Ginsburg
A vision for regular, rapid assessments of the tropical northwestern Atlantic’s coral reefs

I. Nagelkerken
Relationship between anthropogenic impacts and bleaching-associated tissue mortality of corals in Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles)

A.W. Bruckner & R.J. Bruckner
the recent decline of Montastraea annularis (complex) coral populations in western Curaçao: a cause for concern?

D.L. Gil-Agudelo, G.W. Smith & E. Weil
The white band disease type II pathogen in Puerto Rico

Elizabeth Kadison, Richard S. Nemeth, Steve Herzlieb & Jeremiah Blondeau
temporal and spatial dynamics of Lutjanus cyanopterus (Pisces: Lutjanidae) and L. jocu spawning aggregations in the United States Virgin Islands

I.M. Sandeman
Fragmentation of the gastrodermis and detachment of zooxanthellae in symbiotic cnidarians: a role for hydrogen peroxide and Ca2+ in coral bleaching and algal density control

S.C.C. Steiner & S.M.Williams
A recent increase in the abundance of the echinoid Diadema antillarum in Dominica (Lesser Antilles): 2001-2005

Norman J. Quinn & Barbara L. Kojis
Evaluating the potential of natural reproduction and artificial techniques to increase Acropora cervicornis populations at Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Carlos Lira, Juan Bolaños, Gonzalo Hernández & Jesús Hernández
A case of bilateral cheliped hypertrophya crab Uca cumulanta (Decapoda: Ocypodidae). [In Spanish with English abstract]

Johanna Fernández & Mayré Jiménez P.
Mollusc community structure and trophic relations in the rochy littoral zone in Sucre State, Venezuela. [In Spanish with English abstract]

Juan Bolaños, Carlos Lira, Gonzalo Hernández & Régulo López
The crab Heterocrypta tommasii (Decapoda: Parthenopidae): an addition to the carcinofauna of Venezuela. [In Spanish with English abstract]

Sioliz Villafranca & Mayré Jiménez
Mollusc communities associated with the green mussel Perna viridis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) and their trophic relations on the north coast of Araya Peninsula, Sucre State, Venezuela. [In Spanish with English abstract]

D.E. Williams & M.W. Miller
Morphology offers no clues to asexual vs sexual origin of small Acropora cervicornis (Scleractinia: Acroporidae) colonies

M.M. Nugues & I. Nagelkerken
Status of aspergillosis and sea fan populations in Curaçao ten years after the 1995 Caribbean epizootic

Ernest H. Williams, Jr. & Lucy Bunkley-Williams
Three anomalies: A scythebill in the Greater Antillean Grackle (blackbird), a crown pattern in the Rock Beauty (angelfish), and a double spot in the Butter Hamlet (grouper), and their possible genetic significance

Ernest H. Williams, Jr., Lucy Bunkley-Williams, Caroline S. Rogers & Robert Fenner
New geographic records of Hamlets, Hypoplectrus spp. (Serranidae), in the Caribbean Sea

Lucy Bunkley-Williams, Ernest H. Williams, Jr. & Abul K.M. Bashirullah
Isopods (Isopoda: Aegidae, Cymothoidae, Gnathiidae) associated with Venezuelan marine fishes (Elasmobranchii, Actinopterygii)

Arda Kazanjian & Milagros Fariñas