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June 4-8 2007.

St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

Proceedings of the 33rd Scientific Meeting of the
Memorias de la 33va Reunión Científica de la


Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean
Asociación de Laboratorios Marinos del Caribe

Download the complete program and abstract book

Poster Sessions

I.M. Sandeman
Light driven lipid peroxidation of coral membranes and a suggested role in calcification

C. Menza, M. Kendall & S. Hile
The deeper we go the less we know

T.J. Goreau, T. Fisher, F. Perez, K. Lockhart, M. Hibbert & A. Lewin
Turks and Caicos Islands 2006 coral reef assessment: large-scale environmental and ecological interactions and their management implications

D.G. Zawada, P.R. Thompson & J. Butcher
A new towed platform for the unobtrusive surveying of benthic habitats and organisms

R.S. LeGore, M.P. Hardin, J.R. García-Sais & J.R. Brice
Marine ornamental trade in Puerto Rico: rapid population assessment of primary target species

R.A. Watlington, J.M. Morell & J.E. Corredor
Improved Understanding of Oceanic Processes through an Integrated Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System

R.L. Hayes & T.J. Goreau
An analysis of satellite-derived sea surface temperature from Caribbean and Atlantic coral reef sites, 1984-2003

L.L. Richardson & D.N. Ragoonath
Organic carbon enhances dark survival of the cyanobacterium Geitlerinema sp. isolated from black band disease of corals

P.V. Susan Tepetlan & D. Aldana
Aranda Macrofauna bentónica asociada a bancos ostrícolas en las lagunas costeras Carmen, Machona y Mecoacán, Tabasco, México.

S.C.C. Steiner & J.M. Kerr
Stony corals in Dominica during the 2005 bleaching episode and one year later

N.J. Quinn & B.L. Kojis
The recent collapse of a rapid phase-shift reversal on a Jamaican north coast coral reef after the 2005 bleaching event

C.M. Huijbers, M.G.G. Grol & I. Nagelkerken
Shallow patch reefs as alternative habitats for early juveniles of some mangrove/seagrass-associated fish species in Bermuda

P. Miloslavich
The Census of Marine Life in the Caribbean: A Biodiversity Program

L.F. Artigas, E. Otero, R. Paranhos, M.L. Gómez, C. Piccini, M. Costagliola, R. Silva, P. Suárez, V.A. Gallardo, D.U. Hernández-Becerril, A. Chistoserdov, R. Vieira, M. Perez-Cenci, J.F. Ternon, B. Beker, M. Thyssen, H. Dionisi, I. do Rosario Marinho-Jaussaud, A. Gonzalez, C. Hurtado, J.P. Parra, C. Alonso, C. Hozbor, S. Peressutti, R. Negri, C. Espinoza, A. Cardoso, O. Martins, F. Covacevich, C. Berón & G.L. Salerno
Towards a Latin American and Caribbean international census of marine microbes (LACar – ICoMM): overview and discussion on some current research directions

J.A. Alfonso, J. Azocar, J.J. LaBrecque, B. Garcia, D. Palacios & Z. Benzo
Trace metals in bivalves and seagrass collected from Venezuelan coastal sites

J.M. Calnan, T.B. Smith, R.S. Nemeth, E. Kadison & J. Blondeau
Coral disease prevalence and host susceptibility on mid-depth and deep reefs in the United States Virgin Islands

C. del Mónaco, E. Villamizar & S. Narciso
Tasa de depredación de Coralliophila abbreviata (Neogastropoda: Coralliophilidae) sobre algunas especies coralinas del Parque Nacional Morrocoy, Venezuela

J.G. Rodríguez
Pequeños peces crípticos de arrecifes coralinos y áreas adyacentes en el Parque Nacional Morrocoy y Refugio de Fauna de Cuare, Venezuela

E. Villamizar, H. Camisotti, B. Rodríguez, J. Pérez & M. Romero
Impacts of the 2005 Caribbean bleaching event at Archipiélago de Los Roques National Park, Venezuela

D.P. Moore, E.H. Williams, Jr., A.A. Mignucci-Giannoni, L. Bunkley-Williams & W.G. Dyer
Successful surgical treatment of spear wounds in a Hawksbill Turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata (Testudines: Cheloniidae)

D.P. Moore, E.H. Williams, Jr., A.A. Mignucci-Giannoni, L. Bunkley-Williams, F.E. Tippett & R.A. Montoya
Acute myocarditis in a West Indian Manatee, Trichechus manatus (Sirenia: Trichechidae), from Puerto Rico

A.K. Bashirullah, E.H. Williams, Jr. & L. Bunkley-Williams
An anomalous White Mullet, Mugil curema (Perciformes: Mugilidae), with three ovarian lobes found in the Gulf of Cariaco, Venezuela

E.H. Williams, Jr., L. Bunkley-Williams, C.S. Rogers & R.M. Fenner
Color correction of a publication error in the Tan Hamlet and the second occurrence of a Potentially Inheritable Character the Butter Hamlet (Perciformes: Serranidae)