Discovery Bay, Jamaica
Proceedings of the 36TH Scientific Meeting of the
Memorias de la 36VA Reunión Científica de la
Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean
Asociación de Laboratorios Marinos del Caribe
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Abigael C. Brownell & Laurie L. Richardson
Sulfate reducing bacteria as secondary and necessary pathogens
Andrew W. Bruckner, Brian Beck & Phil Renaud
The status of coral reefs and associated fishes and invertebrates of commercial importance in Pedro Bank, Jamaica
Denise A. Chin, Dale F.S. Webber & Mona K. Webber
Satus of the coral reefs in Foul and Folly Bays, Morant Wetlands, south-eastern Jamaica, with emphasis on corals and macroalgae
Edwin A. Hernández-Delgado, Carmen M. González-Ramos & Pedro J. Alejandro-Camis
Large-scale coral recruitment patterns on Mona Island, Puerto Rico: evidence of a transitional community trajectory after massive coral bleaching and mortality
Marcia Creary Ford, Loureene Jones Smith & Sean O. Green
The results of long term coral reef monitoring at three locations in Jamaica: Monkey Island, “Gorgo City” and Southeast Cay
Elizabeth A. Larson, David S. Gilliam, Mauricio López Padierna & Brian K. Walker
Possible recovery of Acropora palmata (Scleractinia:Acroporidae) within the Veracruz Reef System, Gulf of Mexico: a survey of 24 reefs to assess the benthic communities
K. Martínez, D. Bone, A. Cróquer & A. López-Ordaz
Population assessment of Acropora palmata (Scleractinia: Acroporidae): relationship between habitat and reef associated species
Camilo Trench, Hugh Small, Lydia Morrison, Dale Webber, Mona Webber
Coral and algal community primary succession on new vertical substrate at Rackham’s Cay, Port Royal, Jamaica
Yranzo. A, E. Villamizar, M. Romero & H. Boadas
Estructura de las comunidades de corales y octocorales de Isla de Aves, Venezuela, Caribe Nororiental Structure of the coral and octocoral communities of Isla de Aves, Venezuela, Northeast Caribbean. [In Spanish with English abstract]
M. James C. Crabbe
Evidence of initial coral community recovery at Discovery Bay on Jamaica’s North Coast
Zahra Ennis & Karl Aiken
Spearfishing as a potential threat to fishery sustainability in Jamaica: a survey of 23 fishing beaches
Esteban A. Agudo & Eduardo Klein Salas
Lionfish abundance, size structure and spatial distribution along the Venezuelan coast (Pterois volitans, Pteroinae: Scorpaenidae)
Peter J. Ainsworth & Dale F. St. G. Webber
Breeding success of the masked booby (Sula dactylatra dactylatra, Pelecaniformes:Sulidae) at Middle Cay, Pedro Bank, Jamaica
Jahson B. Alemu I.
Fish assemblages on fringing reefs in the southern Caribbean: biodiversity, biomass and feeding types
Edwin A. Hernández-Delgado, Alfredo Montañez-Acuña, Abimarie Otaño-Cruz & Samuel E. Suleimán-Ramos
Bom-cratered coral reefs in Puerto Rico, the untold story about a novel habitat: from reef destruction to community-based ecological rehabilitation
Luis Alfonso Ascencio A., Martha Enriquez D., Imelda Martinez M. & Dalila Aldana A
Variación del ciclo gonádico del ostión americano, Crassostrea virginica (Ostreoida: Ostreidae) en función de su talla en la laguna de Tamiahua, Veracruz, México
Variation of gonadal cycle of the american oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Ostreoida: Ostreidae) as a function of height in Tamiahua Lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico. [In Spanish with English abstract]
Dalila Aldana Aranda, José Francisco Chávez Villegas & Manuel Sánchez Crespo
Is the Queen conch Strombus gigas (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae) a species with Allee effect?
Mariana Noguez Núñez & Dalila Aldana Aranda
Eco-etología básica del caracol rosa Strombus gigas (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae), en Xel-Há, Yucatán, Caribe mexicano Basic eco-ethology of the queen conch, Strombus gigas (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae) in Xel-Há, Yucatán, Mexican Caribbean. [In Spanish with English abstract]
José Francisco Chávez Villegas, Martha Enríquez Díaz & Dalila Aldana Aranda
Abundancia y diversidad larval de gasterópodos en el Caribe Mexicano en relación con la temperatura, la salinidad y el oxígeno disuelto
Patrice A. Francis, Stacy A. Maxam & Mona K. Webber
Rapid reassessment of the eutrophication status of Kingston Harbour, Jamaica using the zooplankton community
Helen A. Liu, Sheree A. Broomfield, Anya F. Duncan, Leon O. Grant, Patrice A. Francis, Dale F. Webber & Mona K. Webber
Assessing the phytoplankton and water quality of Kingston Harbour and Hellshire coast, Jamaica, after the implementation of a waste water treatment facility
Achsah A. Mitchell, Mona K. Webber, Dayne Buddo & Dale Webber
Development of a protocol for sampling and analysis of ballast water in Jamaica
Hugh Small, Kristoffer Lue, Dale Webber & Mona Webber
The planktonic communities of the Jamaican south-east coast; a comparison of harbor, shelf and oceanic areas
Robert Anderson, Clare Morrall, Jonathan Jossart, Steve Nimrod, Emily Bolda, Katie Musser, Craig Berg & Robert Balza
Marine Protected Area monitoring in the nearshore waters of Grenada, Eastern Caribbean: benthic cover and fish populations
M. James C. Crabbe
Capacity building and policy development in Belize marine protected areas, an example for Caribbean integrated coastal management
Orville P. Grey, Dale F. St. G. Webber, Shimelis G. Setegn & Assefa M. Melesse
Appliation of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT Model) on a small tropical island (Great River Watershed, Jamaica) as a tool in Integrated Watershed and Coastal Zone Management
June 17-21 2013.